What are you greatful for? Love and gratitude

There’s been research done on gratitude and people who practice it are generally happier and more content in life. What are your thoughts? 🙂
How to increase your awareness and expand your consciousness

Here are a few examples of how to increase your awareness and expand your consciousness. The practice of; Qi gong, meditation, good health, exercise and yoga, love and gratitude heart consciousness, being of service, purification, detachment, tantra, sacred geometry, raising (subliming) sexual energy into the heart, sacred union, kundalini shake down, chakra awareness/activation, self reflection,…
We would love to hear your 3 steps to greater consciousness and spiritual awakening?

A blog post on creating and sharing different views and ideas to helping each other, humanity and the environment 🙂 My 3 steps to become more conscious and spiritualy connected. “1. Daily meditation of at least 20 minutes morning and night is a great way to becoming more connected and conscious. Its been shown to…
Meditating in a pyramid can help reaching higher levels of consciousness?

The great awakening creators have hand made a variety of different pyramids, from small examples, ones for meditation to one built around the bed to leaving us lying in the sweet spot or focal point. The pyramids are based on sacred geometry in the design and the Giza pyramid has the golden ratio 1 :…