Golf Rules Change in 2019 For Quicker Game
The Evolution of Golf in the 21st Century is exciting! Golf rules change in 2019 for a quicker game. Reducing the time searching for a lost ball from 5 to 3 minutes. Having less than 40 seconds to play a stroke. Yesterday 1st of January 2019 was a revolutionary moment with the rules being changed.…
Conservation of the sacred Tarkine rainforest in Tasmania

“At the end of March 2017 we met Lisa. At this time, she and her friends have been camping for 6 weeks in the Tarkine rainforest in Tasmania to protect it from logging. In the following video, she explains the ecological disaster it would cause.” Yann To support this peaceful protest you can connect to…
What are you greatful for? Love and gratitude

There’s been research done on gratitude and people who practice it are generally happier and more content in life. What are your thoughts? 🙂
How to increase your awareness and expand your consciousness

Here are a few examples of how to increase your awareness and expand your consciousness. The practice of; Qi gong, meditation, good health, exercise and yoga, love and gratitude heart consciousness, being of service, purification, detachment, tantra, sacred geometry, raising (subliming) sexual energy into the heart, sacred union, kundalini shake down, chakra awareness/activation, self reflection,…